Tuesday, February 24, 2009

wow... were did the time go.... It's now February 25th

This has been one very busy winter... with 3 kids in school and 2 in high school sports... I don't know where the time went. Over this winter 2 new rear door Scottys where seen ... one on ebay and one is privately owned out west. Also, Nancy from the National Scotty site purchased her rear door and has started to rebuild it. Seems like we didn't see any for years and now a few have been found. Winter in New Hampshire has been cold and a lot of snow has fallen this year. can't wait for spring and a new camping season to start. talk soon... well.... post soon !!!

1 comment:


Selling Scotty hubcaps? I need a pair! Please email me at jesseetrrs@gmail.com or lecahierdelaboratoire@gmail.com
I noticed there were a few for sale on the blog and please contact me asap!
Thanks and happy camping :)