Monday, February 11, 2008

Feb 2008 starts off COLD in NH

Well the cold winter weather has arrived to New Hampshire. Today we woke up to 12 BELOW with wind chill. The temp. outside was 9 above on the digital thermometer. Tonight we are to drop to 1 degree and with wind chill will be the coldest temps this winter. Hard to believe the Serro Scotty group is starting to plan spring events. The Everywhere Scotty Campout was a success in January and many members spent one night ( and some 2 ) inside the campers parked in the yards. Some ( like myself ) just did a 1 - 2 hour short visit inside the camper. I felt like I cheated as my Scotty is parked inside my garage for the winter. But it was nice to spend some time just relaxing inside the Scotty. My 6 year old daughter thought I was nuts.... but I figure.... what is wrong with acting like a kid again!!! So start your planning for the spring gatherings and visit the site to see whats new at the SSCE!!!!

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